Cheaper to Keep Her

Christina Kapp-Brown (CAN) & Tina Foster (USA) - March 2022
Cheaper to Keep Her - Aaron Lines

Start dancing on lyrics “cheaper to keep her” (approx 32 counts in, right as the tempo picks up)

On Wall 7 the music slows down, slow steps down with it for all of wall 7. When Aaron starts singing “She's gonna serve ya papers,” resume quicker tempo, at the beginning of wall 8. Hint: use the instrumental section as your cue that the next wall is your slow down.

Lindy R, Lindy L
1&2-3-4Step right side, left beside, step right side. Rock left back, recover on right.
5&6-7-8Step left side, right beside, step left side. Rock right back, recover on left.

R Rocking Chair, Rock Fwd, Recover, Shuffle ¼ R
1-2-3-4Step right forward, recover left, step right forward, recover left.
5-6-7&8Step right forward, recover back on Left, step right to right turn 1/4 right, step left beside, step right.

Weave R, Cross Rock Recover, Chasse L
1-2-3-4Step left across right, step right side, left behind, step right side.
5-6-7&8Cross left over right, recover back on right, step left side, right beside, step left side.

Jazz Box, Fwd Shuffle x2
1-2-3-4Step right across left, step left back, step right to side, step left beside right.
5&6-7&8Step right forward, left beside, step right forward, step left forward, right beside, step left forward


Notes: Thank you to one of my dancers for suggesting the song, and to Tina Foster for helping me iron out the kinks in the choreography.