Shut Up!

Chris Godden (UK)
Shut Up - Black Eyed Peas

1Cross left behind right
2-3-4Unwind slowly ½ left
5-6Right to right side, touch left behind right
7-8Hitch left to left side (raise both arms to side with palms facing down)
1-2-3-4Ronde right from back to front
5&6Kick right, step forward right, touch left behind right
7-8Bend knees and roll right shoulder back, point left to left
1-2Hitch left across right, step left across right
3&4Right to right side (bump hips right-left-right)
1&2Pivot ¾ right on ball of right, step left to left, touch right to right
3-4Bump hip to right, touch right to left (slap right hip)
5-6&Step right forward, lock left behind right, step forward right
7-8Step left forward, pivot ½ right leaving weight on left with right heel raised
1&2&Kick right forward, step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
3&4&Kick left forward, step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward
5-6&Step forward right, lock left behind right, step forward right
7-8Rock forward on left, replace weight on right
1-2Touch left back, ½ turn onto left
3-4Step forward right, ½ turn left
5-6Walk right left
7&8Rock right behind (5th) left, replace weight on left, step right to right side

Start dance with left crossed behind right and start turning (counts 2-3-4 on first lyrics "shut up just shut up")