Leona's Love

Elaine Tunnicliffe (UK) - November 2007
Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis

Intro: 4 counts.

Walk, Walk, Mambo Step, Full Turn, Coaster Step
1 – 2 Walk forward on left, right
3 & 4 Rock forward on left, recover on right, step back on left
5 – 6 Make ½ turn right stepping forward right. ½ turn right stepping back on left.
7 & 8 Right coaster step.

Side Rock, Crossing Shuffle, ½ Turn Monterey, Side Rock and Cross
1 – 2 Left side rock, recover on right
3 & 4 Cross left over right, step right, cross left over right
5 – 6 Point right to right side, ½ turn right stepping right beside left.
7 & 8 Left side rock, recover on right, cross left in front of right

Rolling Grapevine, Step Left, Cross Right Behind, ¼ Turn Shuffle
1 – 2 Turn ¼ right on right, ½ turn right stepping back on left
3 – 4 ¼ turn right on right, touch left beside right
5 – 6 Step left to left side, cross right behind left
7 & 8 ¼ turn left on left, close right to left, step forward left

Make ½ Pivot Turn, Full Triple Turn, Forward Rock, Coaster Touch
1 – 2 Step forward right, ½ turn pivot to left
3 & 4 Full triple to left on right, left, right
5 – 6 Rock forward on left, recover on right
7 & 8 Step back on left, close right to left, touch left beside right

Begin again.

Tag: At the end of Wall 4 (Front Wall)
Left Side Rock, Behind Step Cross, Right Side Rock Behind Step Cross
1 – 2 Left side rock and recover
3 & 4 Cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left in front of right
5 – 6 Right side rock and recover
7 & 8 Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right in front of left