Right On Sync

Jo Kinser (UK), John Kinser (UK) & Mark Furnell (UK) - August 2008
Bring It On - Leon Jean-Marie : (CD: Single)

Start on the vocals 32 counts in

(1-8) Forward Rt, Lt, Lock Step Back, Full Turn, 1/4 Turn Sailor Step
1,2 Step Diagonal Fwd Rt, Step Diagonal Fwd Lt
3&4 Lock Rt behind Lt, Lock Lt in front of Rt, Step back Rt
5,6 Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping fwd Lt, Make 1/2 Lt stepping back on Rt
7&8 Make a 1/4 turn Lt stepping Lt behind Rt, Step Rt in place, Step Lt fwd

(9-16) Walk, Walk, Ball Cross, Ball Cross, Cross Rock & Cross & Cross
1,2 Step fwd Rt, Step fwd Lt
&3 Angle upper body diagonally Lt stepping ball of Rt behind Lt, Step down on Lt
&4 Step ball of Rt behind Lt, Step down on Lt
5,6 Cross Rt over Lt, Rock Lt to Lt
&7&8 Step ball of Rt behind Lt, Step Lt over Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt over Rt

(17-24) Side Drag, And Cross Side, Rock & Side, Roll & Turn
1,2 Step Rt to Rt, Drag Lt heel to Rt
&3,4 Step Lt behind Rt, Step Rt across Lt, Step Lt to Lt
5&6 Rock Rt behind Lt, Replace weight Lt, Step Rt to Rt
7& Roll hips a full turn anti-c/w (weight Rt)
8 Continue to roll hips making a 1/4 turn Lt (weight Lt) “6’oclock”

(25-32) Step 1/2 turn, Kick & Point & Point, Monterey Turn, 1/4 Rock & Step
1,2 Step Rt fwd, Make a 1/2 turn Lt
3&4 Kick Rt fwd, Step Rt in place, Point Lt to Lt
&5,6 Bring Lt to Rt, Point Rt to Rt, Make a full Monterey turn Rt (weight Rt)
7&8 Make a 1/4 Rt Rocking Lt back, Replace weight Rt, Step Lt fwd