Boys & Girls

Meiske Pamaputera (INA) - September 2009
Boys and Girls - Pixie Lott

Intro: 16 COUNTS

Kick Ball Step, ¼ turn X2.
1&2 Right kick forward, step on ball of right, step left next to right
3-4 ¼ turn right- right toe forward, drop right heel ( 03:00 )
5&6 ¼ turn left -left kick forward, step on ball of left, step right next to left
7-8 ¼ turn left-left toe forward, drop left heel ( 09:00 )

4x Shuffle back
1&2 Step back diagonal right, close left beside right, step back right
3&4 Step back diagonal left, close right beside left, step back left
5&6 Step back diagonal right, close left beside right, step back right
7&8 Step back diagonal left, close right beside left, step back right

Right heel diagonal, right step back, left step diagonal, hips, rocking chair.
1&2 Right heel diagonal right, right step back, left step diagonal left
3&4 Move hips left, right, left ( 10;30 )
5&6 Step right forward, recover on left
7-8 Step right back, recover on left ( 09:00 )

Shuffle, back rock, stomp, shoulder
1&2 Step right to right side, left close together, right step to right
3-4 Left cross back, recover on right
5-6 Stomp left & clap both hands in front, hold
7&8 Move shoulder left, right, left