I'm Alive

Totoy Pinoy (USA) - 2006
I'm Alive - CĂ©line Dion : (Album: A New Day Has Come)

Dance starts on the words ‘I’m Alive’

4x Swivel. 2x Toe Touch Together
1 – 2 with feet together: Swivel toes to right. Swivel toes back to centre.
3 – 4 with feet together: Swivel toes to left. Swivel toes back to centre.
5 – 6 Touch right to side. Step right next to left.
7 – 8 Touch left to side. Step left next to right

Toe Touch: Fwd-Bwd-Side. Hitch 1/4 Left (9:00) 2x Shuffle Fwd
1 – 2 Touch right toe forward. Touch right toe backward.
3 – 4 Touch right toe to right side. Hitching right knee - turn 1/4 left (9).
5 & 6 Shuffle forward stepping: R.L-R
7 & 8 Shuffle forward stepping: L.R-L

2x Shuffle Bwd (9:00) Grapevine-Touch Together (9:00)
1 & 2 Shuffle backward stepping: R.L-R
3 & 4 Shuffle backward stepping: L.R-L
5 – 6 Step right to right side. Cross left behind right.
7 – 8 Step right to right side. Touch left next to right.

Grapevine-Touch Together (9:00) Rolling Grapevine Right. Touch Together.
1 – 2 Step left to left side. Cross right behind left.
3 – 4 Step left to left side. Touch right next to left.
5 – 6 Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right (12). Turn ¼ right & step left to left side (3).
7 – 8 Turn ½ right & step right to right side (9). Touch left next to right.

Rolling Grapevine Left. Together (9:00).
1 – 2 Turn ¼ left & step forward onto left (6). Turn ¼ left & step right to right side (3).
3 – 4 Turn ½ left & step left to left side (9). Step right next to left.