Verna's Waltz

Linda Nyholm (CAN) - July 2012
Old-Fashioned Broken Heart - Lisa Stewart

Intro: 24 counts

***This is for Verna, who unexpectedly left us a few days ago—we’re gonna miss ya, Sweet Lady!!

[1-6] Waltz fwd – back, turning ¼ (9:00)
1-2-3Step fwd left, right beside left, left beside right
4-5-6Step back right, turning ¼ to left, step left beside right, right beside left

[7-12] Repeat first 6 (6:00)

[13-18] Twinkle left & right
13-14-15Step left across right, right beside left, left beside right
16-17-18Step right across left, left beside right, right beside left

[19-24] L & R Cross , point, hold
19-20-21Cross left over right, point right out to side, hold
22-23-24Cross right over left, point left out o side, hold

[25-30] Waltz fwd-back, turning ¼ left (3:00)
25-26-27Step fwd left, right beside left, left beside right
28-29-30Step back right, turning ¼ to left, step left beside right, right beside left

[31-36] Waltz fwd, turning ½, back (9:00)
31-32-33Step left fwd, turning ¼ left, step right beside left, tuning ¼ left, step right Beside left (9:00)
34-35-36Step back right, left beside right, right beside left

[37-42] Repeat last 6 (3:00)

[43-48] Left & right back twinkles
43-44-45Step left behind right, right beside left, left beside right
46-47-48Step right behind left, left beside right, right beside left

One Easy Restart—4th sequence—(9:00) do first 6, then restart on back wall

Last Revision 10th August 2012