Let it Snow

Patti Bullock (USA) - December 2012
Let It Snow - Scotty McCreery : (Album: Christmas with Scotty McCreery)

Intro – Begin Dance on Vocals – "Ohhhh, the weather outside..."

(1-8) Lock Steps forward with Brush's (12:00)
1,2,3Step forward on R(1), Step behind R with L(2), Step forward on R(3)
4Brush L past R(4)
5,6,7Step forward on L(5), Step behind L with R(6), Step forward on L(7)
8Brush R (8)

(9-16) Rocking Chair, Two diagonal Step Touch's Back(12:00)
1,2,Rock R forward(1), Recover Step back on L(2)
3,4Rock R back (3), Recover Step Forward on L (4)
5,6Step back diagonal on R(5) Touch L next to R(6)
7,8Step back diagonal on L(7) Touch R next to L(8)

(17-24) Right Grapevine, touch, Left Grapevine making ¼ right turn , touch( 3:00)
1,2Step side with R(1), Cross behind R with L(2),
3,4Step side with R(3), Touch L next to R(4)
5,6Step with L making a ¼ turn right(5), Cross R behind L(6)
7,8Step side with L(7),touch with R(8)

(25-32) Step and Sway's Right and Left(3:00)
1,2Step on R and sway body to the R(1, 2)
3,4Sway body to the L (3,4)
5,6Sway body to the R(5,6)
7,8Sway body to the L(7,8)

One Tag - Add 2 extra sway's when completing Wall 6 before Wall 7 begins (6:00 wall)

Option for Arm movements – Arms can sway w/ sway steps on” Let it snow Let it Snow” and can cross in front of body (hug) on “all the way home I'll be warm”

Contact: dancezumba@aol.com