Buddy's Hank

Beginner / Improver
Maureen Sheppard (UK) - February 2013
Hankin' It Up - Buddy Eugene & Claudia : (CD: Without You.)

Right Side Strut, Back Rock. Left Side Strut, Back Rock.
1-2Touch Right Toe to Right side, Snap Right Heel down taking weight,
3-4Rock back onto Left, forward onto Right,
5-6Touch Left Toe to Left side, Snap Left Heel down taking weight,
7-8Rock back onto Right, forward onto Left.

Two Half Monterey Turns*.
1-2Touch Right Toe out to Right side, make half turn over Right shoulder transferring weight to Right,
3-4Touch Left Toe out to Left side, step Left in place.
5-8Repeat steps 1 - 4
*Beginner option: Steps 1-4 Touch Right Toe out to Right side, Step Right in place, Touch Left Toe out to Left side, Step Left in place. Steps 5-8 Repeat steps 1-4.
*Intermediate Options: Full Monterey Turn followed by Side touches.
Or: Two full Monterey turns followed by two staggering heel struts forward ... or in that general direction. ;-)
*RESTART: Here on Wall 5.

Two Heel Struts Forward, Right Heel Hook Heel Touch.
1-2Touch Right Heel forward, snap Right Toe down taking weight,
3-4Touch Left Heel forward, snap Left Toe down taking weight,
5-6Touch Right heel forward, Hook Right leg across in front of Left shin,
7-8Touch Right Heel forward, Touch Right Toe next to Left instep.

Reverse Rhumba Box with 1/4 Turn Left.
1-2Step Right to Right side, Step Left in place next to Right,
3-4Step Right back, Hold,
5-6Step Left to Left side, Step Right in place next to Left,
7-8Make a quarter turn to the Left and Step Left forward, Hold.


*Optional Ending - Replace the quarter turn with a half turn to the Left to finish facing the front wall, and pose.

Contact: neonreptile@hotmail.co.uk