Cash Back

Dave Fife (UK) - April 2013
I Walk The Line - Rodney Crowell & Johnny Cash : (Albums: The Essential Rodney Crowell or The Houston kid)

Intro 32 counts.

Right Lock Step Forward Hold. Left Lock Step Forward Hold.
1-4Step forward on Right. Lock Left behind Right. Step forward on Right. Hold.
5-8Step forward on Left. Lock Right behind Left. Step forward on Left. Hold.

Right Mambo. Hold. Left Lock Step Back. Hold.
1-4Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left. Step back on Right. Hold.
5-8Step back on Left. Lock Right across front of Left. Step back on Left. Hold.

Right Coaster Step. Hold. Left Lock Step Forward. Hold.
1-4Step back on Right. Step Left beside Right. Step Right forward. Hold.
5-8Step forward on Left. Lock step Right behind Left. Step forward on Left. Hold.

Right Toe Heel Step. Hold. Left Toe Heel Step. Hold
1-4Touch Right toe to Left instep ( Right toe & knee turned in ). Touch Right heel to Right side. Step Right in front of Left. Hold.
5-8Touch Left toe to Right instep (Left toe & knee turned in ). Touch Left heel to Left side. Step left in front of Right. Hold.

Rocking Chair. Step Pivot ¼ turn. Stomp. Stomp.
1-4Rock forward on Right. Rock in place on Left. Rock back Right. Rock forward on Left.
5-8Step forward on Right. Pivot ¼ turn Left. Stomp Right beside Left. Stomp Left beside Right.

Right & Left Heel Digs. Pigeon toes. Toe Splits .
1-4Touch Right heel forward to Right diagonal. Step Right Beside Left. Touch Left heel forward to Left diagonal. Step Left beside Right.
5-8With weight on the ball of feet swivel heels apart (slightly raising heels) . Bring heels together, Changing weight to heels spread toes apart (slightly raising toes ). Bring toes together.

4 Struts Turning ½ Left
1-4Turn 1/8 turn Left with Right heel strut. Turn 1/8 turn Left with Left heel strut.
5-8Turn1/8 turn Left with Right heel strut. Turn 1/8 turn Left with Left heel strut.

Forward Rock. Side Rock. Weave to Left.
1-4Rock forward on Right. Rock in place on Left. Rock Right to side. Rock in ln place on Left.
5-8Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left side. Cross Right in front of Left. Hold.

Forward Rock. Side Rock. Weave to Right.
1-4Rock forward on Left. Rock in place on Right. Rock to side on Left. Rock in place on Right.
5-8Cross Left behind Right. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left in front of Right. Hold.

Begin Again

Dance Ends on Section 2 facing 3.00 o’clock . Following the Right Mambo. Hold. A Left Coaster step with ¼ turn Left finishes the dance facing the front wall.
