Borrow My Heart

Travis Taylor (AUS) - January 2014
Borrow My Heart - Taylor Henderson : (iTunes)

Side Behind Ball Cross Side, Back Rock, Half Turn
1-2&3-4Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R, Step R to R side
5-6-7-8Rock back L, Replace weight R, 1/4 R Step L back, 1/4 R Step R to R side

Cross Side Behind Side, Cross Rock, Quarter Shuffle Fwd
1-2-3-4Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R side
5-6-7&8Cross Rock L over R, Replace weight R, 1/4 L Shuffle Fwd L, R, L

Full Turn, Rock Fwd Replace, Walk Back Back, Coaster Step
1-2-3-41/2 L Step R back, 1/2 L Step L fwd, Rock fwd R, Replace weight on L
5-6-7&8Walk back R, Walk back L, Step R back, Step L together, Step R fwd

Rock Fwd Replace, Half, Rock Fwd Replace, Half, Quarter
1-2-3-4Rock fwd L, Replace weight R, 1/2 L Step L fwd, Rock fwd R
5-6-7-8Replace weight L, 1/2 R Step R fwd, 1/2 R Step L back, 1/4 R Step R to R side

Cross Heel Jack & Cross Heel Jack & Rock Fwd Replace, Half, Quarter
1&2&Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Touch L heel on L 45, Step L together
3&4&Cross R over L, Step L to L side, Touch R heel on R 45, Step R together
5-6Rock fwd L, Replace weight R
7-81/2 L Step L fwd, 1/4 L Step R to R side

Sailor Step, Sailor Quarter, Pivot Half, Shuffle Fwd
1&2-3&4Left Sailor Step, 1/4 R Sailor Step
5-6-7&8Step L fwd, 1/2 R Pivot weight on R, Shuffle fwd L, R, L

Rock Fwd Replace, Coaster Step, Rock Fwd Replace, Shuffle Back
1-2-3&4Rock fwd R, Replace weight L, Step R back, Step L together, Step R fwd
5-6-7&8Rock fwd L, Replace weight R, Shuffle Back L, R, L

Rock Back Replace, Pivot Half, Jazz Box Cross
1-2-3-4Rock back R, Replace weight L, Step R fwd, 1/2 L Pivot weight on L
5-6-7-8Cross R over L, Step back L, Step R to R side, Cross L over R

RESTARTS: On Walls 2 (12;00) & 5 (6:00)
On Count 13, Cross L over R and Hold for 4 Counts to Restart the dance again
(You will hear the break in the music)

TAG: At The End of Wall 3, Repeat the following
1&2-3-4Side Shuffle R, Rock back L, Replace weight R
5&6-7-8Side Shuffle L, Rock back R, Replace weight L

Contact: Travis Taylor – 0435 810 914 –