Trouble With My Baby

Craig Bennett (UK) & Tina Argyle (UK) - March 2014
Trouble With My Baby - Paloma Faith : (av as single download)

Count In : 16 counts from main beat – start with lyrics on word “money”

S1: Right Vine, Tap. Touch Out, In, Forward, Hook
1 - 4Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, touch left at side of right
5 - 8Touch left to left side, touch left at side of right, touch left toe fwd. Hook left over right

S2: Left Vine, Tap. Touch Out, In, Forward, Hook
1 - 4Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, touch right at side of left
5 - 8Touch right to right side, touch right at side of left, touch right toe fwd. Hook right over left

S3: Step Hold, ½ Pivot Hold. Step Hold ¼ Pivot Hold (with shoulder shimmies)
1 - 2Step fwd right, Hold. (shimmy shoulders RLR count 1&2)
3 - 4½ pivot turn left onto left, Hold – 6 o'clock
5 - 6Step fwd right, Hold. (shimmy shoulders RLR count 5&6)
7 - 8¼ pivot turn left onto left, Hold. – 3 o'clock

S4: Forward Touch, Back Touch. ¼ Turn Touch, Side Touch
1 – 4Step fwd right, touch left at back of right. Step back left, touch right at side of left
5 – 8¼ turn right stepping right to right side, touch left at side of right. Step left to left side touch right at side of left – 6 o'clock
**** RE-START HERE WALLS 2 & 5 /

S5: Right Ball Press Heel Twist x2, Kick, Behind Side Cross, Hold
1 – 4Press ball of right to right diagonal, twist right heel out then in, Kick right to right diagonal
5 – 8Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, hold.

S6: Left Ball Press Heel Twist x2, Kick, Behind Side Cross, Hold
1 – 4Press ball of left to left diagonal, twist left heel out then in, Kick left to left diagonal
5 – 8Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right, hold.

S7: Monterey ¼ turn, Kick. Left Jazz Box, Brush
1 – 2Touch right to right side, ¼ turn right stepping right at side of left – 9 o'clock
3 - 4Touch left to left side. Kick left to left diagonal
5 – 8Cross left over right, Step back right, Step left to left side, Brush right at side of left

S8: Right Toe Strut Fwd. Left Toe Strut ¼ Turn Left. Right Knee Pop Left Knee Pop
1 – 4Touch right toe fwd, drop right heel, ¼ turn left touching left toe to left side, drop left heel – 6 o'clock
5 – 8Pop right knee in towards left then out. Pop left knee towards right then out finish weight on left

TAG Stomp Stomp, Hands On Hips 2 x Hip Bumps Right Then Left
1 – 4Stomp right to right side, Stomp left to left side, Right hand on right hip, Left hand on left hip
5&6Bump hips RLR
7&8Bumps hips LRL

Happy Dancing! :-)