Slowly Drifting

Dee Musk (UK) - October 2014
Waves (Robin Schulz Radio Edit) - Mr. Probz : (Album: Now 88 or Single)

#48 Count Intro – Approx 24 seconds – Track approx 3 mins 28 secs BPM 116

Step Back, Back Rock, Lock Step, Forward Rock, Coaster Cross.
1-3Step back on R, rock back on L recover weight to R.
4&5Step forward on L, lock R behind L, step forward on L.
6,7Rock forward on R, recover weight to L.
8&1Step back on R, close L beside R, cross R over L. (12 o’clock).

Hinge ½ Turn R, Cross Rock Side x 2, Walk L, R.
2,3Make a ¼ turn R stepping back on L, make a ¼ turn R stepping R to R side.
4&5Cross rock L over R, recover weight to R, step L to L side.
6&7Cross rock R over L, recover weight to L, step R to R side.
8,1Walk forward L, walk forward R. (6 o’clock).

Forward Mambo Together, Walk R, L, Mambo ¼ Turn R, Cross, ¼ Turn L.
2&3Rock forward on L, recover weight to R, step L beside R.
4,5Walk forward R, walk forward L.
6&7Rock forward on R, recover weight to L, make a ¼ turn R stepping R to R side.
8,1Cross L over R, make a ¼ turn L stepping back on R. (6 o’clock).

Chasse ¼ Turn L, Cross, Side, Sailor Side, Hold, Ball Side.
2&3Make a ¼ turn L stepping L to L side, close R beside L, step L to L side.
4,5Cross R over L, step L to L side.
6&7,8Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side, hold count 8.
&1Step L beside R, step R to R side. (3 o’clock).

Cross, Side, Sailor ¼ Turn L, Full Turn L, Chasse ¼ Turn L.
2,3Cross L over R, step R to R side.
4&5Making a ¼ turn L step L behind R, step R to R side, step forward on L.
6,7Travelling forward make a full turn L stepping back on R, stepping forward on L.
8&1Making a ¼ turn L step R to R side, close L beside R, step R to R side. (9 o’clock).

Back Rock, Side Close, Side Drag, Ball Cross Side.
2,3Rock L behind R, recover weight to R.
4&Step L to L side, close R beside L.
5,6Step L to L side, drag R to beside L.
&7,8Step R beside L, cross L over R, step R to R side. (9 o’clock).

Behind Side Cross, Rock ¼ Turn L, Step Reverse ½ Turn R, Shuffle ½ Turn R.
1&2Step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R.
3,4Rock R to R side, make a ¼ turn L (weight forward on L).
5,6Step forward on R, make a ½ turn R stepping back on L.
7&8Shuffle ½ turn R stepping R, L, R. (6 o’clock).

Syncopated Heel Grinds L and R, Step, Rock Recover, Back Lock.
1,2&Grind L heel out to the L (anti-clockwise), recover weight on R, step L beside R.
3,4&Grind R heel out to the R (clockwise), recover weight on L, step R beside L.
5-7Step forward on L, rock forward on R, recover weight to L.
8&Step back on R, cross L over R. (6 o’clock).

No Tags or Restarts just Drift

Contact: - Dee: 07814 295470