Mil Pasos (A Thousand Steps)

Martie Papendorf (SA) - January 2015
Mil Pasos - Soha : (4:06)

Start on vocals. - 1 Restart - No Tags

S1: Rock R across, Recover, Side, Rock L across, Recover, Side, Rock across, Recover back ¼ right, Rock back, Recover, Touch
1,2&Rock R across L, Recover L back, Step R next to L,
3,4&Rock L across R, Recover R back Step L next to R,
5,6Rock R across L, Recover L back making a ¼ turn right,
7&8Rock R back, Recover L fwd, Touch R to L [3.00]

S2: Chasse right, Rock diagonal back, Recover fwd, Side ¼ right, Coaster step, Fwd shuffle
1&2Step R to right side, Step L next to R, Step R to right side,
3&4Cross L behind R to face left diagonal, Step R fwd, Step L to left side making a ¼ turn right, [6.00]
5&6Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd,
7&8Step L fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd [6.00]
Restart here during wall 3, facing 6.00

S3: Kick, &, Touch, &, Shuffle back, Kick, & Touch, &, Chasse 1/2 left
1&2Kick R fwd, Step R back, Touch L behind R,
&3&4Step L in place, Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R back,
5&6Kick L fwd, Step L back, Touch R behind L,
&7&8Step R in place, Step L to left side making a ¼ turn left [3.00], Step R next to L, Step L fwd making a ¼ turn left [12.00]

S4: Fwd sway, &, Sway, Back way, &, Sway, &, Rock, Recover ¼ left, Fwd ¼ left, Back ½ left, Fwd ½ left
1&2Step and sway R to right diagonal, Step and sway L back, Step and sway R to right diagonal,
3&4Step and sway L back, Step and sway R to right diagonal, Step and sway L back,
&5&6Step R next to L, Rock L fwd, Recover R back making a ¼ turn left [9.00], Step L fwd making a ¼ turn left [6.00],
7,8Step R back making a ½ turn left [12.00], Step L fwd making a ½ turn left [6.00]


Restart during wall 3, after sec.2, facing 6.00

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Last Update - 20th Jan 2015