Enid's Hustle

Cy Moy (UK) - April 2015
Almost Jamaica - The Bellamy Brothers

** For my Good Friend Enid to celebrate a Grand Birthday !! **

Any Bouncy Reggae Tune.

Sec 1: Walks with kick Fwd, Walks back touch. 12oc
1 - 4Walk Fwd Rt Lt Rt & kick Lt
5 - 8Walk back Lt Rt Lt touch Rt to Lt.

Sec 2: Step touches Rt and Lt , Step touches 1/4 turn Lt. 9oc
1 - 4Step Rt to Rt, touch Lt to Rt., Step Lt to Lt, touch Rt to Lt.
5 - 8Step Rt to Rt and touch Lt, Step Lt turn 1/4 Lt touch Rt.

Sec 3: Walks Fwd & Back with Hip Bumps. 9 oc
1 - 4Walk Fwd Rt Lt, Bump Hips Fwd & Back Rt & Lt
(Optional - Clap Hands with Hip Bumps)
5 - 8Walk back Lt Rt, Bump Hips Back & Fwd, Lt & Rt

Sec 4: Rumba Box Fwd & Back. 9 oc
1 - 4Step Rt side Rt, Lt Tog, Fwd Rt, touch Lt to Rt
5 - 8Step Lt side Lt, Rt Tog, Back on Lt, touch Rt to Lt.

Start again, Have Fun !

Contact: cymoy@blueyonder.co.uk