Our Secret

Robert Lindsay (UK) - January 2016
I Won't Tell a Soul - Charlie Puth : (Album: Some Type Of Love - EP)

Intro – 3 Counts from start of track – Start on main vocals.

[1-8] Step Left, Rock Back & Side, Behind Side Cross, Unwind ¾ with Hook, Slow Shuffle Forward
1Basic nightclub step left to the left.
2&3Rock right back behind left. Recover weight onto left. Step right to right side.
4&5Step left behind right. Step right to right side. Step left over right.
6Unwind ¾ turn right, hooking right in front of left.
7&8Step right forward. Step left beside right. Step right forward.

[9-16] &Rock, Recover, &Rock Recover, & Step, ½ Turn Pivot, ¾ Triple Turn Left
&1,2Step left to right. Rock forward on right. Recover weight onto left.
&3,4Step right to left. Rock forward on left. Recover weight onto right.
&5,6Step left to right. Step right forward. Pivot ½ turn left.
7&8Turning ¾ turn left, triple step right, left, right, stepping right to right side.

[17-23] &Step, Rock Back & Step ¼ Turn Left, Triple Full Turn, Walk, Walk
&1Step left beside right. Basic nightclub step right to the right.
2&3Rock left back behind right. Recover weight onto right. Turning ¼ turn left, step forward onto left.
4&5Turning left, triple full turn, stepping right, left, right, stepping forward onto right.
6,7Step forward on left. Step forward on right.

[24-32] Left Scissor Step, 2 x ¼ Turn Left, Nightclub Right, Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn, Step, ½ Pivot Turn ¼ Turn Left, Step, Touch
8&1Step left to left. Step right beside left. Cross step left over right.
2&3Turning ¼ turn left, step back on right. Turning ¼ turn left, step left to left, and basic nightclub step right.
4&5Rock left back behind right. Recover weight onto left. Turning ¼ turn left, step forward onto left.
6&7Step forward on right. Pivot ½ turn left. Turning ¼ turn left, step right to right side.
8Touch left beside right.

Ending: On the last wall, half way through the dance the music slows down and there is no beat.
Keep dancing normally to the end of the dance and then add basic night club steps to finish at the front.