Kickick CNY 2016

Wendy Loh (MY) - January 2016
Hou Ye Da Sheng Nian (猴爺大盛年) - MY ASTRO

Dance starts 64 counts from beginning of music

Section 1 : R Diagonal Cha Cha end with a brush, R Diagonal Cha Cha end with a brush
1 2 3 4Step RF diagonally forward, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF diagonally forward, Brush LF
5 6 7 8Step LF diagonally forward, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF diagonally forward, Brush RF

Section 2 : Toe Struts Jazz Box Cross
1 2Touch RF across LF, Step RF in place
3 4Touch LF back, Step LF in place
5 6Touch RF to side, Step RF in place
7 8Cross LF over RF, Step LF in place (12:00)

Section 3 : Vine to right with a 1/2 R turn & end with a brush, Vine to left and end with a brush
1 2Step RF to side, Step LF behind RF
3 4Turn ¼ R & Step RF forward, Turn ¼ R & brush LF (6:00)
5 6Step LF to side, Step RF behind LF
7 8Step LF to side, Brush RF beside LF

Section 4 : Extended vine to R ending with a touch
1 2 3 4Step RF to side, Step LF behind RF, Step RF to side, Cross LF over RF
5 6 7 8Step RF to side, Step LF behind RF, Step RF to side, Touch LF beside RF (6:00)

Section 5 : Rolling Vine to Right then Left
1 2 3Turn ¼ L & Step LF forward, Turn ½ L & Step RF back, Turn ¼ L & Step LF to side
4Touch RF to side (6:00)
5 6 7Turn ¼ R & Step LF forward, Turn ½ R & Step LF back, Turn ¼ R & Step RF to side
8Touch LF to side (6:00)

Section 6 : L Step Forward, Brush, R Step Forward, Brush, 1/4R Rock Recover, Cross, Hold
1 2Step LF forward, Brush RF beside LF
3 4Step RF forward, Brush LF beside RF
5 6Rock RF forward, Turn ¼ R & Recover on LF (9:00)
7 8Cross LF over RF, Hold

Section 7 : Step, Together, Step, Touch, Turn ½ L & Repeat Steps
1 2 3 4Step RF to side, Step LF together, Step RF to side, Touch LF beside RF
5Turn ½ L with weight on RF & Step LF to side (3:00)
6 7 8Step RF beside LF, Step LF to side, Touch RF beside LF

Section 8 : Knee Pop 4x, Jazz Box with a ¼ R turn
1 2Step RF in place & Pop L knee in, Step LF in place & Pop R knee in
3 4Repeat Steps 1,2 (3:00)
5 6Cross RF over LF, Step LF back
7 8Turn ¼ R & Step RF to side, Step LF together (6:00)

**TAG (12:00) 4 Counts Tag At Wall 2 & Wall 6 After 32 Counts & Restart
1 2 3 4Step LF in place & clasp you hands together doing the Chinese way of greeting

RESTART: At Wall 4 After 32 Counts (12:00) & Wall 8 After 16 Counts (6:00)
