Ex's and Oh's

Mike Stringer (UK) - February 2016
Ex's & Oh's - Elle King

#16 Count Intro

SECTION 1: Grapevine right,touch out, hitch 1/4,touch out, touch together
1,2Step R to R side, Step L behind R (12:00)
3,4Step R to R side, touch L next to R (12:00)
5,6Touch L out to L side, Hitch L knee as you turn 1/4 over right shoulder (3:00)
7,8Touch L out to L side, Touch L inplace next to R (3:00)

SECTION 2: Grapevine left, hip rolls from left to right
1,2Step L to L side, step R behind L (3:00)
3,4Step L to L side, Strep R inplace next to L (3:00)
5,6Roll hips a full circle from L to R (3:00)
7,8Roll Hips a full circle from L to R (3:00)
Alternative to counts 5-8, bump hips R,L,R,L

SECTION 3: Step,lock,step,scuff X2
1,2Step R forward, lock L behind R (3:00)
3,4Step R forward, Scuff L past R (3:00)
5,6Step L forward, lock R behind L (3:00)
7,8Step L forward, Scuff R past L (3:00)

SECTION 4: Rocking Chair, 1/2 Pivot turn, stomp stomp
1,2Rock R forward, recover onto L (3:00)
3,4Rock R back, recover onto L (3:00)
5,6Step R forward, 1/2 turn over L shoulder (9:00)
7,8Stomp R, stomp L ( optional hand claps) (9:00)


Restart: On the fifth wall of dance, you will dance upto and including count 8, section 2 ( hip rolls)
then begin the dance from the beginning, facing 3:00

Contact: peppermintpolo1@hotmail.co.uk