Charleston Twist

Gabby Parker (SA) - March 2016
Shake Your Boogie and Roll - Pete Stothard

Intro: 24 count

Sec. 1: Charleston Step x 2
1 – 4Touch R toe forward, hold. Step back on R, hold
5 – 8Touch L toe back, hold. Step forward on L, hold

Sec. 2: Repeat counts 1 - 8

Sec. 3: Right Lock Step, Step Left. Forward Right Mambo, Step Left Back
1 – 4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R Forward, step L forward
5 – 8Rock R forward, recover to L, step R back, step L back
1-4Step R forward, lock L behind R, hold
5-8Rock L forward, recover onto L, step back onto L, hold

Sec. 4: Right Coaster, Step Left Forward. Step, Turn ½ Left, Step, Step L Forward
1 – 2Step back on R. Step L next to R
3 – 4Step forward on R. Step forward on L
5 – 8Step forward on R, ½ turn L wt to L, step R forward, step forward on L

Sec. 5: Right Diagonal Lock Step, Hold. Left Diagonal Lock Step, 1/8 Turn L Stepping R To L.
1 – 4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, hold (7:30 )
5 – 8Step L forward, lock R behind left, step L forward (4:30) 1/8 turn L stepping R next to L (3)

Sec. 6: Swivels Right and Left
1 – 4Swivel heels to R, swivel toes to R, swivel heels to R, hold
5 – 8Swivel heels to L, swivel toes to L, swivel heels to L, hold

Hope you enjoy the dance!


Last Update – 27th June 2016