The Old Bazaar

Annette Maidment (UK) - May 2016
The Old Bazaar in Cairo - Clinton Ford : (iTunes)

Starts on Vocals

Section 1: Step Right, Hold, Step Together, Hold, Step Together, Step Touch
1-4Step right, hold, step left next to right, hold.
5-8Step right, step left next to right, step right, touch left next to right.

Section 2: Step Left, Hold, Step Together, Hold, Step ¼ Turn, Step Touch
1-4Step left, hold, step right next to left, hold.
5-8Step left, step right next to left, step ¼ turn left, touch right next to left.

Section 3: Point Right, Touch, Point, Hold, Walk Back Right, Left, Right, Touch
1-4Point right toe to right side, touch next to left, point right, hold.
5-8Walk back right, left, right, touch left next to right..

Section 4: Point Left, Touch, Point, Hold, Walk Back Left, Right, ¼ Turn Left, Touch
1-4Point left toe to left side, touch next to right, point left, hold
5-8Walk back left, right ¼ turn left, touch right next to left.

Tag at end of Wall 4, facing 12-oclock.
Repeat Section 1&2 without ¼ turn.

Styling - Dancers might like to try some Egyptian hands on Sections 1 and 2
Or Shimmies in Sections 3 and 4.

Wall 7: The music slows down at end of dance so either phase out or just dance through Wall 8 at same tempo.
