Pure & Simple for 2 (P)

Estelle Ward (UK) & Andy Ward - July 2016
Pure and Simple - Dolly Parton

Sweetheart position unless stated, same footwork throughout

Side Close Side Close Forward, Side Close Side Close Back.
1 2Step right to right side, close left to right
3&4Step right to right side, close left to right, step right forward.
5 6Step left foot to left side, close right to left
7&8Step left to left side, close right to left, step left foot forward

Walk Forward Twice And Shuffle Forward Twice.
1 2Walk forward Right then Left
3&4Step forward Right join left to right step forward right
5 6Walk forward Left then Right
7&8Step forward left join right to left step forward left.

Quarter Pivot Left Cross Shuffle, Running Weave Left, Rock And Cross.
1 2Step forward on right ¼ pivot to left (arms into reverse indian bring mans Right over Ladies left go mans left – facing ILOD)
3&4Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right over left.
5&6&Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left.
7&8Rock left to left side, recover onto right, cross left over right .

Step Close Shuffle Into LOD, Jazz Box With A Touch.
1 2Step right to right side, join left to right.
3&4Step right to right side join left to right step right into LOD.(bring mans right over ladies head and release mans left arm rejoin in sweatheart position)
5678Cross left over right, step right back, step left to left side touch right beside left.

Start again and enjoy.

Line dance also available

Contact: Tel. (07759797571) – Email: ems.ward@btinternet.com