
Sarah Kemp (USA) - October 2016
Move - Luke Bryan

No Tags or Restarts

[1-8] (12:00) Touch and Point, Heel and Toe, Walk Rt, Lt.
1 &Weight on the Lt. Touch/Point Rt toe to Rt side (1), return to center,Take weight (&).
2 &Weight on the Rt. Touch/Point Lt toe to Lt side (2), return to center, take weight (&).
3 &Weight on the Lt. Touch Rt Heel forward (3), return to center, take weight (&).
4 &Weight on the Rt. Touch Lt Toe back (4), return to center, take weight (&).
5 &Weight on the Lt. Touch Rt Heel forward (5), return to center, take weight (&).
6 &Weight on the Rt. Touch Lt Toe back (6), return to center, take weight (&).
7, 8Weight on the Lt. Step forward, walk Rt (7), Lt (8)

[9-16] (12:00) Rock, ½ turn, Triple R-L-R, Rock-Replace, Back Coaster Step.
1, 2, 3&4Rock forward on Rt (1), ½ turn over Lt shoulder (06:00) (2) Step Rt down (3), Lt to instep of Rt (&) Step Rt forward(4).
5, 6, 7&8Rock Lt forward (5), Replace to Rt (6), Step Rt foot back (7), Lt to instep of Rt (&), Cross Rt foot in front (over) Lt (8).

[17-24] (06:00) L-Chasse, R-Chasse, Back Coaster.
1,2 &, 3,4Rock Rt foot to Rt (1), Replace to Lt (2), Bring Rt to instep of Lt (&) Rock Lt to Lt side (3), Replace to Rt foot (4).
& 5, 6Bring Lt to instep of Rt (&) Rock Rt to Rt side(5), Replace to Lt foot (6).
7&8¼ wall turn over Rt shoulder (09:00) (7) Step Lt foot back, (&) Step Rt foot to instep of Lt, (8) Step Lt foot forward.

[25-32] (09:00) Hip bump x2, ¼ turn Jazz Box
1&2Step Rt forward Rt hip bump out (1) in (&) out (2)(or forward-back- forward)
3&4Step Lt forward Lt hip bump out (3) in (&) out (4).
5, 6,Cross Lt over Rt (5), Step back on Rt with ¼ wall turn (06:00) (6),
7, 8Step Lt to Lt side (7), Touch Rt toe to instep Lt (8).

Please do not change or amend this step sheet in any way. All rights reserved, video rights of choreography to choreographer Sarah Kemp. If you would like to use this step sheet to MOVE on your website you must keep it in the original format with this contact info attached. This song does not belong to me, belongs to Luke Bryan and this video is only for instructional/educational use only.