I'm Ready To Get Rowdy

Wendy Mager (USA) - May 2017
Rowdy - Gretchen Wilson

Intro: 16 counts

R Side Shuffle, L Back Rock- Rec, L Side Shuffle, R Back Rock- Rec
1&2Step R to R side, step L together, step R to R side
3-4Rock back on L behind R, recover on R
5&6Step L to L side, step R together, step L to L side
7-8Rock back on R behind L, recover on L

R Shuffle Fwd, L Shuffle Fwd, Skate Fwd- R/L/R/L
1&2Step R fwd, step L together, step R fwd
3&4Step L fwd, step R together, step L fwd
5-8Skate fwd R, L, R, L

R Step Fwd, L Side Point, L Step Back, R Side Point, R Shuffle Back, L Rock Back-Rec
1-2Step R fwd, point L to L side
3-4Step L back, point R to R side
5&6Step R back, step L together, step R back
7-8Rock back on L, recover on R

L/R Heel Switches, L Stomp, Hold-Clap, Jazz Box w/ 1/4 Turn R
1&2&Touch L heel fwd, step L next to R, touch R heel fwd, step R next to L
3-4Stomp L fwd, hold and clap 1x
5-8Cross R over L, 1/4 turn R step back on L, step R to R side, step L next to R

Have Fun.....

Contact: wmager@cfl.rr.com