Time After Time

Alison Metelnick (UK) & Peter Metelnick (UK) - July 2017
Time After Time (feat. Frankie Balou) (Single Mix) - LUNAZ

Start after 8 quick clock "ticks" on the word 'Lying' (2 secs) – 108 bpm – 3mins 16secs
Music available: Amazon
[1-8] R fwd wizard, L diagonal fwd shuffle, R fwd rock/recover, ½ R fwd shuffle
1-2&On right diagonal step R forward, lock L behind R, step R slightly forward
3&4On left diagonal step L forward, step R together, step L forward
5-6Rock R forward, recover weight on L
7&8Turning ½ right step R forward, step L together, step R forward (6 o’clock)
[9-16] L fwd wizard, R diagonal fwd shuffle, L fwd rock/recover, ¼ L chassé
1-2&On left diagonal step L forward, lock R behind L, step L slightly forward
3&4On right diagonal step R forward, step L together, step R forward
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R
7&8Turning ¼ left step L side, step R together, step L side (3 o’clock)
[17-24] L weave 2, R behind/side/cross, L side rock/recover, L behind side cross, R side
1-2Cross step R over L, step L side
3&4Cross step R behind L, step L side, cross step R over L
5-6Rock L side, recover weight on R
7&8&Cross step L behind R, step R side, cross step L over R, step R side
[25-32] L cross hold & snap up/arms up, R side, L cross hold & snap down/arms down, R side, L cross hold & snap up/arms up, R side, L rock back & recover turning ¼ L
1-2&L cross step over, hold finger snap up arms up, step R side
3-4&L cross step behind, hold finger snap down arms down, step R side
5-6&L cross step over, hold finger snap up arms up, step R side
7-8Rock L back, recover turning ¼ left (12 o’clock)
[33-40] L fwd, ½ L & R back, L coaster, R fwd cross, point, L fwd samba
1-2Step L forward in extended 5th, turning ½ left step R back (6 o’clock)
3&4Step L back, step R together, step L forward
5-6Cross step R over L, point L side
7&8Cross step L over R, rock R side, recover weight on L
[41-48] ¼ R jazz box into R ball cross 2X, ¾ L reverse turn, R fwd shuffle
1-2Cross step R over L, turning ¼ right step L back
&3&4Step R side, cross step L over R, step R side, cross step L over R
5-6Turning ¼ left step R back, turning ½ left step L forward (12 o’clock)
7&8Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
[49-56] L fwd, R fwd mambo, L back mambo, R fwd, ½ L sailor
1,2&3Step L forward, rock R forward, recover weight on L, step R back
4&5Rock L back, recover weight on R, step L forward
6Step R forward
7&8Turning ½ left step L behind R, step R together, step L forward (6 o’clock)
[57-64] ¼ L English cross, ¾ L reverse turn stepping R/L/R, step L tog (& count), R jazz box
&1-2Turning ¼ left step R side, cross step L over R (3 o’clock), turning ¼ left step R back
3-4Turning ½ left step L forward, step R forward (6 o’clock)
&5-8Step L next to R with feet slightly apart, cross step R over L, step L back, step R side, step L forward
Email: info@thedancefactoryuk.co.uk Website: www.thedancefactoryuk.co.uk
Please Note: we like to check and approve all Videos of our dances before they are linked to this site.- A&P