Make Me Believe

Steve Carlson (USA) - March 2018
"Meant To Be" by: Bebe Rexha

[1st 8 count 1-8 ] Right side Hop & recover, Left side Hop & recover, Right side Hop & recover, Left side Hop & recover
1,2,3,4Right Hop to right side and recover left, right. Left Hop to left side and recover right left
5,6,7,8Right Hop to right side and recover left, right. Left Hop to left side and recover right left

[2nd 8 count 9-16] Cross Left over right, weave triple step, Cross Right over Left, weave triple step
1,2,3&4Step Left foot over right, right foot out to right, weave Left in front, right out, left next to right.
5,6,7&8Step Right foot over left, Left foot out to left, weave Right in front, left out, right next to left.

[ 3rd 8 Count, 17-24 ] Half Turn Counter-Clockwise as you sway, then full turn around
1,2,3,4Sway step Right, Sway step Left, Sway step Right, Sway step Left( as you do a half reverse turn )
5,6,7,8(Full turn counter-clockwise) Right step, Left step, Right step , Left step.

For Style points, make Steering motion with hands 3rd time through “ Ride with Me, Ride With Me…” (:44 sec mark)

[ Repeat Dance and have Fun! ] ( 2nd time thru you will be starting on the 6 o’clock wall )

No Tags, Easy 2 Wall dance.

Enjoy and please email me your comments to: