Sway (P)

Partner / Circle
Unknown - March 2018
Black Velvet - Alannah Myles

Alt. music:-
"It's Your Call" by Reba McEntire
"Black Coffee" by Lacy J. Dalton

Position: Lady faces the OLOD with her hands raised at her shoulders, heels together. Man stands
behind her with his hands holding hers, heels together. Alternative position would have the man
wrapping his arms slightly around the lady with the hands being held slightly in front of the
lady's body (for this intimacy, you might want to be good friends)
Version as danced in Suffolk County Long Island New York
Start dancing on lyrics

1-2Step left to side, touch right together
3-4Step right to side, touch left together
5-6Step left to side, touch right together
7Turn ¼ right and step right forward
Arms move to Reverse Promenade Position facing RLOD
8Kick left forward (low, moving from the hip)

1-2-3Step left back, step right back, step left back
Drop left hands
4Turn ¾ left and step right to side (ILOD)
Re-grasp left hands
5-6Cross left behind right, turn ¼ right and step right forward (LOD)
7Turn ½ right and step left back (RLOD)
8Turn ½ right and step right forward (LOD)
Turn ¼ right to face OLOD to begin dance again


Contact: felicityksr@aol.com

Last Update - 29th March 2018