Southern Halo

Eddie Morrison (SCO) - May 2018
Southern Halo - Southern Halo : (Album: Just Like In The Movies)

#16 Count Intro

Section 1: Rock right, rock left, chasse right. Cross hold ball cross side.
1-2Rock right to the side, rock left to the side.
3&4Step right to the side, step left beside right, step right to the side.
5-6Cross left over right hold.
&7-8Step down on ball of right, cross left over right, step right to the side.
Section 2: Modified figure of 8
1-4Rock back left behind right recover on right, step left to the side, step right behind left
5-8Step ¼ left, step on right making a ¼ left, step on left making ½ left. (R**) step right to the side.
Section 3: Cross side behind ¼ turn, Step ¼ turn cross shuffle.
1-4Cross left over right, step right to the side, step left behind right, step ¼ turn right.
5-6Step forward left making ¼ turn right,
7&8Cross left over right step right to the side cross left over right.
Section 4: Side hold & side touch x 2
1-2Step right to the side hold,
&3-4Step left beside right, step right to the side, touch left beside right.
5-6Step left to the side hold,
&7-8Step right beside left, step left to the side, touch right beside left.
Section 5: Walk walk kick ball change, Rock recover shuffle ½ turn.
1-2Walk forward right, left.
3&4Kick right forward step on ball of right next to left, step on left.
5-6Rock forward on right recover on left.
7&8Make ½ turn right stepping right left right.
Section 6: Rock recover shuffle ½ turn, Paddle 1/8 x 2
1&2Rock forward on left recover on right.
3&4Make ½ turn left stepping left right left.
5-6Step forward right paddle 1/8 turn
7-8Step forward right paddle 1/8 turn
Section 7: Step forward point step back point x 2
1-2Step forward on right point left forward.
3-4Step back left point back on right.
5-6Step forward on right point left forward.
7-8Step back left point back on right.
Section 8: Step lock step lock step, Step ¼ turn cross shuffle.
1-2Step forward on right, lock left behind right.
3&4Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right.
5-6Step forward left making ¼ turn right.
7&8Cross left over right step right to the side cross left over right.

Tag/Restart : Wall 2 Add a hold after count 7 Section 2 (R**)