Like It or Not

LTD Tucker (BEL) - June 2018
I Like It Like That - Bo Walton

Start on vocals : when he sings ( ever sinds )
Tag : after wall 1 2 4
Restart : In wal 3 ,6 ,7

Toe Strut 1/8 To Right
1-2Step forward touch right toe to the floor , drop right heel to the floor
3-4Step forward touch left toe to the floor , drop left heel to the floor
Repeat the above four steps

Monterey Turn ½ turn Right x 2
1-2Point right toe to right side , turn ½ right stepping right beside left
3-4Point left toe to left , close left beside right
Repeat the above four steps

Mambo Forward Hold Mambo Back Hold
1-4Rock forward on right , replace left , step right next to left & hold
5-8Rock back on left , replace right , step left next to right & hold

Twist Right Twist Left
1-4Twist heels to right , twist toes to right , twist heels to right ,twist toes to front
5-8Twist toes to left , twist heels to left , twist toes to left , twist heels to front

Heel Touches Toe Touches Step ¼ Turn Left Stomp
1-4Touch right heel forward twice , touch right toe back twice
5-6Touch right toe forward pivot ¼ turn left
7-8Stomp right twice next to left

Step Lock Step Scuff
1-4Step forward on right , lock left behind right ,step forward on right , scuff left forward
5-8Step forward on left , lock right behind left , step forward on left , scuff right forward

Stomp & Fan
1-4Stomp forward on right , fan toes to right , to left , to front
5-8Stomp forward on left , fan toes to left , to right , to front

Rocking Chair , Heel Forward Hold , Toe Back Hold
1-4Rock forward on right , replace left , rock back on right , replace left
5-8Touch right heel forward & hold , touch right toe back & hold

Start again

TAG : after walls 1, 2, 4,
Step Touch , Step Touch Jazz Box
1-4Step right to right , touch left next to right , step left to left ,touch right next to left
5-8Cross right over left , srep back on left , step right to ride side , step forward on left

Restarts :-
In wall 3 after count 56 , stomp & fan
in wall 6 after count 16 , montery turn
in wall 7 after count 60 , rocking chair
Dance ends in wall 8 after stomp & fan