The Break Up

Line Moen Engedahl (NOR) - February 2018
The Break Up - Milton Patton

#16 count intro - start on vocal

Sec 1 - touch unwind - left 1/4 chasse - rock back - kick ball cross
1-2Touch right behind left, 1/2 unwind over right shoulder (0600)
3&41/4 turn left step left out, step right together, step left out (0900)
5-6rock back on right - recover
7&8kick right forward, step right down, cross left over right

Sec 2 - Jump back and touch, ball step, walk R,L, right shuffle
&1-2jump back om right, touch left beside - hold
&3jump back on left, touch right beside left
&4jump back on right, touch left beside right
&5 -6step left down, walk forward right, left
7&8step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward

Sec 3 - rock - 1/4 turn left, cross, step,touch, 1/2 monterey right
1-2Rock forward on left - recover
&31/4 turn left step left out, cross right over left
&4step left out, touch right beside left (0600)
5-6point right out, 1/2 turn right and step right beside left
7-8point left out - step left beside right (1200)

Sec 4 - rock forward - rock out - jazzbox 1/4 turn right
1-2rock forward on right - recover
3-4rock right out - recover Restart here on wall 2 & 5)
5-8cross right over left, 1/4 turn right step left back, step right out, step left beside right (0300)

Sec 5 - step -lock - chasse R,L
1-2Turn 1/8 right - step right forward and lock left behind
3&4Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
5-6Turn 1/4 left - step left forward and lock right behind
7&8Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward

Sec 6 - Jazzbox 1/4 turn right - cross, back, jump back, touch, step forward
1-4Cross right over left, 1/4 turn right step left back, step right out and step left next to right
5-6Cross right over left - step left back
&7jump back on right and touch left beside right
8Step left forward (0600)

**2 Restarts
Both after 28 counts on walls 2 and 5
