Sky Mirror Boogie

Celina Tan (SG) - June 2018
Best Day of My Life - American Authors : (Album: Oh, What A Life)

Count In: 16 counts

[1-8] Walk Walk Forward Shuffle, Step Hitch Back Together
1-2Walk forward R L
3&4Shuffle forward RLR
5-8Step forward on L, Hitch R, Step back on R, Step L next to R
Optional hand movement: stretch your hands overhead when hitching on count 6

[9-16] Out-Out-In-In, Out-Out-In-In (V shape X 2)
1-4Step R to right diagonal, Step L to left diagonal, Step R back to centre, Step L next to R
5-8Repeat above 4 counts
Optional hand movement: stretch R hand out, stretch L hand out, Bring right hand in, Bring left hand in

[17-24] (Back Back Back Shuffle) X 2
1-2Step R back, Step L back
3&4Shuffle back RLR
5-6Step L back, Step R back
7&8Shuffle back LRL

[25-32] (Jazz Box ¼ R Turn) X 2
1-4Cross R over L, Step back L, ¼ turn right stepping R to right side, Step L beside R [3]
5-8Cross R over L, Step back L, ¼ turn right stepping R to right side, Step L beside R [6]

[33-40] Heel Bounce
1-4Bounce R heel 4 times, stepping forward on R
5-6Bounce L heel 4 times, stepping forward on L

[41-48] Rocking Chair, ¼ Left Paddle Turn X 2
1-4Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L
5-8** Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn left, Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn left [12]
**Please note, during Wall 3, Change counts 45-47 to ½ left pivot turn, hold and drop count 48 and restart the dance. Replace with:
5-7Step forward on R, Pivot ½ turn right, hold

Optional Ending: During wall 7, dance up to count 16 of the dance then step back on R and throw hands up and look skywards

This dance is dedicated to all our wonderful students ♥

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