American Muscle

Kate Sala (UK) - July 2018
American Muscle - Canaan Smith : (Album: Bronco - 2:32)

Music Available as mp3 download

Start on vocals.

Forward Kick, Side Kick, Tap Out, In x 2.
1 2Kick R forward. Step R next to L.
3 4Kick L out to left side. Step L next to R.
5 6Touch R toe out to right side. Touch R next to L instep.
7 8Touch R toe out to right side. Touch R next to L instep.

Right Grapevine, Scuff, Cross Rock, Recover, Long Step Left, Drag.
1 4Step R to right side. Cross step L behind R. Step R to right side. Scuff L over R.
5 6Cross rock on L over R. Recover on to R.
7 8Long step on L to left side. Drag R towards L. (weight on L). *(Restart during wall 4 and 8)

Jazzbox With Toe Struts, Step Forward, Together.
1 2Cross step ball of R over L. Drop R heel down.
3 4Step back on ball of L. Drop L heel down.
5 6Step ball of R to right side. Drop R heel down
7 8Step forward on L. Step R next to L.

Pigeon Toe, Heel Flick, Step Pivot 1/4 Turn Left, Quick Walk Forward x 2.
1 2Split heels apart. Bring heels together.
3 4Dig R heel forward. Flick R foot back to right diagonal.
5 6Step forward on R. Pivot 1/4 turn left.
7 8Quick walk forward on R, L.

Start Again Enjoy

*Restarts: During walls 4 and 8 - Restart the dance from the beginning after 16 counts.