Heart Heart

Kim Jaehee (KOR) - April 2019
Heart, Heart (하트 하트) - Jo Hye Kyung (조은새)

Sequence: AA BBC AAA BBC BBC Ending

(1-8) Scissors step to R, touch LF next to RF, Scissors step to L
1-2step side RF to R, together LF next to RF
3-4step cross RF, touch LF next to RF
5-6step side LF to L, together RF next to LF
7-8step cross LF, touch LF next to RF

(9-16) heel touch coaster step RF, heel touch coaster step LF
1`2 heel touch, heel touch RF
3&4step back RF together LF next to RF, step forward RF
5-6heel touch, heel touch LF
7&8step back LF together RF next to LF, step forward LF

(17-24), ball swivel. RF, Hip movement
1-2step forward RF and ball swivel (1) recover LF
3~4 step back. , touch LF next to RF
5-6~7 hip movement
8step forward LF

(25-32) side rock recover cross shuffle 1/2 turn, cross shuffle
1-2side rock RF 1/4 turn to L. recover LF
3&4step cross and cross RF to L
5-6step back LF1/4 turn to R, step side RF 1/4 turn to R
7&8step cross and cross LF to R

Part B
1234RF LF RF LF knee movement, and make finger heart
5678make big heart in front of chest

12heel forward RF,step back RF during use both arms.
34heel forward LF,step back LF during use both arms.
5678jazz box 1/4turn to R

Part C
1234RF LF RF LF knee movement, and make finger heart
5678make big heart in front of chest

12heel forward RF,step back RF during use both arms.
34heel forward LF,step back LF during use both arms.
56heel forward RF,step back RF during use both arms.
78heel forward LF,step back LF during use both arms.

1&2step forward RF and shuffle
3&4step back LF and shuffle back 1/2 turn
5 6step back rock RF recover LF
7&8step forward RF forward shuffle

1&2step back shuffle LF 1/2 turn to R
3 4step back rock RF, recover LF
5678RF LF RF LF weight movement