Born This Way

DuWayne Flora (USA) - June 2019
Born This Way - Lady Gaga

Walk R&L, Rock and cross, mini grapevine shuffle w/1/4 turn
1,2 3&4Walk forward R then L, Rock R to R, recover to L and cross R over L
5,6,7&8Step L to L, R behind L, shuffle 1/4 turn

3 step turn R, Touch/Clap, 3 step turn L, Touch/Clap
1,2,3,4¼ turn on R, ½ turn on L, ¼ turn on R, touch R to L and Clap
5,6,7,8¼ turn on L, ½ turn on R, ¼ turn on L, touch L to R and Clap

Step Lg diagonal R , touch, Step Lg diagonal R , touch, Pivot turn, kick ball change
1,2,3,4Step forward on diagonal with R, touch L to R, Step forward L, touch R to L
5,6,7&8Step forward on R and pivot turn to L shifting weight to L, kick ballchange

Toe strut, R then L, Shuffle forward RLR, ¼ turn, touch R to L
1,2,3,4Step forward TOE-HEAL R then L
5&6,7,8Shuffle forward RLR, step forward with ¼ turn, touch R to L