Tennessee Reggae Cowboy

Pauline Jones (USA) - October 2019
Get Into Reggae Cowboy - The Bellamy Brothers

(1-4) 2 Heel Splits
1-4Heels out, Heels in, Heels out, Heels in

(5-12) 2 Charleston Hitches
1-4Step right forward, Hitch (or kick) left, Step left home, Touch right back
5-8Step right forward, Hitch (or kick) left, Step left home, Touch right back

(13-20) 4 Heel Taps Forward – R, L, R, L
1-4Touch right heel forward, Home, Touch left heel forward, Home
5-8Touch right heel forward, Home, Touch left heel forward, Home

(21-26) Toe Touches, Hitch Right Turning ¼ Left
1-2Touch right toe forward, Touch right toe to right side
3-4Touch right toe back, Touch right to right side
5-6Hitch right (holding leg against back of left knee) turning ¼ left
Option: Slap right heel with left hand
**** The above section is what tends to vary from place to place ***

(27-34) Vine Right, Vine Left
1-4Step right to right, Step left behind right, Step right to right, Touch left next to right
5-8Step left to left, Step right behind left, Step left to left, Touch right next to left

(35-38) Walk Back 3, Touch
1-2Step right back, Step left back
3-4Step right back, Touch (or hitch) left next to right

(39-44) 3 Step-Stomp-Stomp
1&2Step left forward, Slide right next to left stomping twice
3&4Step left forward, Slide right next to left stomping twice
5&6Step left forward, Slide right next to left stomping twice