Sing About You

Frank Heelan (IRE) - January 2020
I'd Sing About You - Joe Nichols

Tag: End of first wall facing 3.00. Add two hip sways right left.
Restart: Wall 4 facing 9.00 dance first 16 counts and restart facing 6.00.

Sec 1: Walk forward right, left. Shuffle forward. Rock recover. Sailor ¼ turn left.
1-2Walk forward right, left.
3&4step forward right, left together, forward right.
5-6Rock forward left, recover to right
7&8Turn ¼ left sweeping left behind, recover to right, left to left. (9.00)

Sec 2: Rock recover, Sailor back right & left. Rock back recover.
1-2Rock forward on right, recover to left.
3&4Sweep right behind left, recover to left, right to right.
5&6Sweep left behind right, recover to right, left to left.
7-8Rock back on right, recover to left. (9.00)

Sec 3: Step forward right. Side rock step. Repeat. Rock recover.
1-2&3Step forward on right, rock left to left, recover to right, step left forward in front of right.
4-5&6Repeat steps 1 to 3.
7-8Rock forward on right, recover to left. (9.00)

Sec 4: Walk back right & left, Coaster step. Walk forward left & right. Step turn step.
1-2Walk back right, left.
3&4Step back right, left together, forward right.
5-6Walk forward left, right.
7&8Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right, step forward left. (3.00)

Thanks Seamus Cuddihy for sending me the music.