Tell Me Mudder

Easy Beginner
Gerard Murphy (CAN) - March 2020
Tell Me Ma - Sham Rock

Begin after 32 counts. No tags or restarts.

Optional steps are highlighted in italics to increase Irish flair!
Try dancing it as a contra dance!

SECTION 1: Grapevine Right, Rocking Chair
1,2,3,4Step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R, step L next to R
5,6,7,8Rock forward onto R, recover onto L, rock back onto R, recover onto L

SECTION 2: Heel Slaps (Heel Struts) Forward x 3, Claps x 3
1,2,3,4,5,6Step forward onto R heel, drop ball of R, step forward onto L heel, drop ball of L, step forward onto R heel, drop ball of R
7&8Clap, clap, clap

OR Kick Step Touches x 3, Claps x 3
1&2Kick R forward, step forward onto R, touch L next to R
3&4Kick L forward, step forward onto L, touch R next to L
5&6Kick R forward, step forward onto R, touch L next to R
7&8Clap, clap, clap

SECTION 3: Touch to Left, Close, Touch to Right, Touch Behind (Curtsy), Walk Around 1/2 Turn Right
1,2,3,4Touch L toes to L side, step L next to R, touch R toes to R side, touch R behind L as you curtsy (bend at knees slightly). If dancing contra give a little nod to the person to your right, as you curtsy.
5,6,7,8Walk around a 1/2 turn to R: R, L, R, L

SECTION 4: Walk Forward x 4, Heel Switches x 3, Claps x 2
1,2,3,4Walk forward R, L, R, L
5&6&7Touch R heel forward, step R back to centre, touch L heel forward, step L back to Centre, touch R heel forward
&8Clap, clap

OR Shuffle Forward x 2
1&2Shuffle forward: R,L,R
3&4Shuffle forward: L,R,L