Workin' Overtime

Kevin and Meléna Richards (USA) - May 2020
Workin' Overtime - Lainey Wilson

(1-8) R Toe, Heel, Stomp & L Rocking Chair, L Toe, Heel, Stomp & R Rocking Chair ¼ Turn
1&2Touch R toe beside L, touch R heel forward, stomp R beside L
3&4&Rock L forward, recover weight R, rock L back, recover weight R
5&6Touch L toe beside R, touch L heel forward, stomp L beside R
7&8&Rock R forward, recover weight L, rock R back, recover weight L with ¼ turn left

(9-16) Syncopated Vines R and L with ¼ turn, Step Lock Step, Step ½ Pivot Step
1&2&Step RF to R side, step LF behind RF, step RF to R side, scuff LF heel beside RF
3&4&Step LF to L side, step RF behind LF, step LF to L side with ¼ turn L, scuff RF heel beside LF
5&6Step RF forward, lock step LF behind RF, step RF forward
7&8Step LF forward, pivot ½ turn placing weight on RF, step LF forward

(17-24) Mamba forward, Coaster step, Step Pivot Cross, Side Rock Recover Cross
1&2Rock RF forward, recover weight LF, step RF beside left
3&4Step LF back, step RF beside LF, step LF forward
5&6Step RF forward, pivot ¼ turn L putting weight on LF, cross RF over LF
7&8Rock LF to L side, recover weight RF, cross LF over RF

(25-32) Step Touches R and L, Side Shuffle with ¼ turn, Step ½ Pivot, Triple Full Turn
1, 2Step RF to R side, touch LF beside RF, step LF to L side, touch RF beside LF
3, 4Step RF to R side, step LF beside RF, step RF forward while turning ¼ turn R
5, 6Step LF forward, pivot ½ turn putting weight on RF
7, 8Triple step forward LF, RF, LF while making full turn around