Stuck With You 2020

High Beginner
Nora Chuang (USA) - May 2020
Stuck with U - Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber

Music available from Amazon and iTunes.

#16 count start. No tags, no restart

S 1: (Cross, Side, Tog) x 2; Fwd/Rock, Side/Rock, Behind With ½ Left Turn (12 -> 6 o’clock)
1&2L cross over R (1), R step to side (&) making a slight 1/8 turn facing left corner, L tog (2)
3&4Mirror on R foot: R cross over L (3), L step to side (&) making 1/8 right turn facing right corner, R tog (4)
5&6&L rock forward (5), R recover (&), L rock to side (6), R recover (&)
7,8L behind R on ball (7), L turning ½ left turn on ball, keep weigh on L (8)

S 2: (Rock Forward/Recover/Tog) x 2; Rock Back/Recover, Sweep, Sweep (6 o’clock)
1,2&R rock forward, with optional body roll (1), L recover (2), R tog (&)
3,4&L rock forward, with optional body roll (3), R recover (4), L tog (&)
5,6R rock back (5), L recover (6)
7,8R sweep forward (7), L sweep forward (8)

S 3: ¼ Left Turn Rumba Box, (Big Side Step, Touch) x 2 (6 -> 9 o’clock)
1&2R step to right making ¼ left turn (1), L together (&), R step forward (2)
3&4L step to left (3), R together (&), L step back (4)
5,6R step wide to side (5), L touch next to R (6)
7,8L step wide to side (7), R touch next to L (8)
Optional: replace these 2 steps with full left turn (7&8, LRL)

S 4: (Cross & Point &) x 2, Full Right Circle Volta (9 o’clock)
1&2&R cross over L (1), L step to left (&), R point forward diagonally (2), R step next to L (&)
3&4&L cross over R (3), R step to right (&), L point fwd diagonally (4), L step next to R (&)
5&R rock forward (5), L recover (7)
6-8Make full right turn Volta: R turning 1/3 to right (6), L tog (&), R turning 1/3 to right (7),L tog (&), R step turning 1/3 to right (8), finishing full circle

Start dance again… Enjoy!

No copyright infringement nor monetary pursuits intended.