911 Stomp

DuWayne Flora (USA) - June 2020
911 - Lady Gaga

No Tags No Restarts

Walk, Walk, side Rock, recover step on L and R
1,2,3&4walk forward R, L, side Rock R, recover to L, step with weight on R
5,6,7&8walk forward L,R, side Rock L, recover to R, step with weight on L

Mambo forward and back, step 1/4 turn, stomp, stomp, stomp
1&2, 3&4Press R foward, recover on L, step with weight on R, press L back, recover on R, step with weight on L
5,6,7&8Step forward on R, 1/4 turn, bringing weight to L, stomp R,L,R
Don't keep weight on that last R stomp (stomp and up with R)

Lock step, Syncopated shuffle on Diagonal R&L
1,2,3&4Lock step on diagonal R (2:00), shuffle
5,6,7&8Lock step on diagonal L (10:00), shuffle

Heel step R,L 1/4 turn, stomp, stomp, stomp
1,2,3,4Step out on R heel then L heel, return to where you were R,L
5,6,7&8Step forward on R, 1/4 turn, bringing weight to L, stomp R,L,R
Don't keep weight on that last R stomp (stomp and up with R)