Kings & Queens

Daniela Seidel (DE) - December 2020
Kings & Queens - Ava Max

Start after 4 x 8

Part 1
Rock Step, Shuffle ¼ Turn to right, Cross replace, Shuffle side
123&4RF forward, LF replace, ¼ Turn to right RF side, LF close to RF, RF side
567&8LF cross over RF, RF replace, LF to side RF close to LF, LF side

Cross replace, Spot Turn, Shuffle
1234RF cross over LF , LF replace, RF side, LF replace
56Spot Turn ¼ to left,RF forward, ½ to left, LF forward
7&8Shuffle 1/4 to right, RF side, LF close to RF, RF side

Part 2
Zig Zag, Cross Replace, Shuffle, Zig Zag, Cross replace, Shuffle
1234LF cross behind RF, RF to side, LF cross over RF, RF to side,
5678LF cross behind RF, RF replace, Shuffle to left, LF side, RF close to LF, LF to side
1234RF cross behind LF, LF to side, RF cross over LF, LF to side,
5678RF cross behind LF, LF replace, Shuffle to right, RF side, LF close to RF, RF to side

Part 3
Corta Jaca, ½ Turn to right, Shuffle
1234LF Heel forward, RF replace, LF Ball back, RF Replace
5678LF forward ½ Turn to right, RF replace or little forward, Shuffle LF forward, RF close to LF, LF forward

1234RF Heel forward, LF replace, RF Ball back, LF Replace
5678RF forward ½ Turn to right, LF replace or little forward, Shuffle RF forward, LF close to RF, RF forward

Part 4
Point side, Point cross, Point side, Lift, behind knee, Shuffle
1234LF point ot side. LF point cross over RF, LF point to side, LF lift cross behind RF knee
5 6 78Shuffle to left. LF to side, FF close to LF, LF to side

1234RF point ot side. RF point cross over LF, RF point to side, RF lift cross behind LF knee
5678Shuffle to right RF to side, LF close to RF, RF to side, LF close to RF

Then start from the beginning to next Wall.

*2. Wall : Part1+2+3+4 and then repeat once Part 4 again
*3. Wall Part 1+2+3+4
*4.Wall : Part 1 + Part 2 and at the End of Part 2 we put in another 4 Counts
1 2Spot Turn ¼ to right ,LF forward, ½ to left, RF forward
3&4Shuffle 1/4 to left LF side, RF close to LF, LF side

Start again with Part 1+2+3+4... till the end.... Have fun!

Last Update - 19 Dec. 2020