Be Your Number One

Virnita Simorangkir (OMN) - January 2021
The Tide Is High - Atomic Kitten

*1 tag ( 4 count) 2 restart with change steps ( 4 count)

Sec 1 - V Step - Knee Pops
1-4Step RF fwd diagonal R - Step LF fwd diagonal L - Step RF back - Close LF next to RF
5-6Step R to right - touch L toe while pop L knee to right
7-8Step L to left - touch R toe while pop R knee to left

Sec 2 - Point - Point - Sailor Step - Kick Ball Cross - Full Left Twist Turn
1-2point R toe over LF - point R toe to side
3&4step R behind L - step L to left side - step R to right side
5&6Kick L forward - Step L together - Cross R over L
7-8Full Twist Turn to left on L ending weight on R

Sec 3 - Forward -Forward Heel Tap - Coaster Step - L fwd,1/2 Turn R flick, L shuffle fwd
1-2Step L forward - Tap R heel forward
3&4Step R back - Step L together - Step R forward
5-6LF step fwd, 1/2 turn R LF flick ( facing 6 o'clock)
7&8LF step fwd, RF next to LF, LF step fwd

Sec 4 - 1/4 Monterey turn R - Jazz box
1-4Touch R toe to right side - pivoting 1/4 right step R together - Touch L to side - Step L together ( 9 o'clock)
5 - 8Cross RF over LF - Step LF back - Step RF to side - Step forward LF

TAG 4 count on wall 7
R Side - Flick - L side - Flick
1-4Step RF to the side - Flick LF - Step LF to the side - Flick RF.
You can touch your heel with your hand when flick your foot.

*Restart on wall 4 and wall 6 with change steps after 12 count.
*4 count ( 13 - 16) for change steps
1-2Step LF to side - step RF together
3&4Twist both heels L-R-L

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