Selamat Ulang Tahun Cinta (Happy Birthday My Love)

Endang Warsiki (INA), Susan Susiana (INA), Rarayanti Marwan (INA) & Rex Chuan (USA) - March 2021
Selamat Ulangtahun Cinta - Tasha Manshahar & Syed Shamim

# Dance starts after 32 c of intro

S1 Side, ½ turn L, ¾ Turn L, Rock Recover, Cross Shuffle
1 2Step R to side, ½ turn left stepping L to forward (06.00)
3&4½ turn L stepping R back, ¼ turn L stepping L to side, Cross R over L (09.00)
5 6Step L to side, Recover on R
7& 8Cross L over R, Step R to Side, Cross L over R

S2 Rock, Recover, Weave, Side, ¼ Turn R, Walk L-R
1 2Step R to side, Recover on L
3&4Cross R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
5 6Step L to side, ¼ turn R stepping R to side (12.00)
7 8Step L forward, Step R Forward

S3 Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Behind, Side, Touch, Chasse
1 2Step L to Side, Recover on R
3&4Cross L behind R, Step R to side, Cross L Behind R
5 6Step R to side, Touch L behind R (Twist your body and turn your head to the right for styling)
7&8Step L to side, Step R close to L, Step L to Side

S4 Walk and Run along ¾ circle
1 2Step R forward, Step L forward (Walk Option: Step R forward while popping L knee, Step L forward while popping R knee)
3&4Run round a ½ turn right R-L-R
5 6Step L forward, Step R forward (Walk Option: Step L forward while popping R knee, Step R forward while popping L knee)
7&8Run round a ¼ turn right L-R-L (09.00)

# On wall 2 do 24 c and step change in S3 : 7-8 with Step L to side, Touch R beside L
# On wall 4 do 16 c and step change in S2: 7-8 with Step L forward, Touch R beside L
# On wall 6 and 9 do 24 c with Tag 4 c : 1-2-3-4 Step R forward, Recover on L, Step R backward, Recover on L

Thank you and enjoy this dance

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Last Update - 16 Mar 2022