Devil On My Tongue

Suzi Beau (ENG) & Mathew Sinyard (UK) - April 2021
Midnight Sky - Miley Cyrus

Intro: 16 Counts from 1st Heavy Beat - (Approx. 17 seconds)
Restart Wall 3

Section 1 Side Cross, Run ¾ Right, Step Spiral ¾, Chassé Right.
1 2Step right foot to right side, cross left over right.
3 & 4Make a ¾ turn right running right, left, right.
5 6Step forward on left, spiral ¾ turn right.
7 & 8Step right to right side, close left beside right, step right to right side.

Section 2 Diagonal Rocking Chair, Left Crossing Samba, Cross Back, Out Out, Knee Pop/ Heel Lift.
1 & 2 &Rock left foot over right, recover on to right, rock left foot back, recover right.
3 & 4Cross left over right, rock right to right side, recover on to left.
5 6Cross right over left, step back on left.
& 7 & 8Step right to right side, step left to left side (Shoulder Width Apart), Raise both heels bending knees, recover on to right foot.

Section 3 Cross Side Sailor, Cross ¼ back, Touch Back Unwind ¼.
1 2Cross Left over right, step right to right side.
3 & 4Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side.
5 6Cross right over left, make a ¼ turn right stepping back on left.
7 8Touch right toe back, unwind a ¼ turn right on to right.

Section 4 Cross Strut, Chassé Right, Back Rock & Touch Hold.
1 2Cross ball of left over right, drop heel.
3 & 4Step right to right side, close left beside right, step right to right side.
5 6Rock left back, recover on to right.
& 7 8Step forward on left to left diagonal facing 12:00, touch right beside left, hold.
*Restart Here on Wall 3*

Section 5 Ball Touch ¼, ½ Back Drag, Ball Walk R L, Shuffle Forward R.
& 1 2Step right to right side, touch left beside right, make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on left.
3 4Make a ½ turn left stepping back on right, drag left towards right.
& 5 6Step onto ball of left foot, walk forward right left.
7 & 8Step forward on right, close left towards right, step forward on to right.

Section 6 Step Pivot ¼ r, Cross Shuffle, Side Drag, Behind Side Cross.
1 2Step forward on left, pivot ¼ turn right.
3 & 4Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right.
5 6Long step right to right side, drag left towards right.
7 & 8Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right.

Ending At the end of wall 7 (Behind Side Cross) unwind ½ turn right to finish at 12:00