Lucky Strike

Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Lilian Lo (HK) & YoungSoon Song (KOR) - May 2021
Lucky Strike - Maroon 5

Phrasing: AABB AABB AAA(14)BBB
Intro: Start after count 16 (0:07 mins.)

Part A
A1 - Forward, ½ L, Forward, Tap, Out-out, Ball, Cross
1 2RF step forward (1), Make ½ turn L, transfer weight to LF (2) @6:00
3 4 5RF step forward (3), Tap LF next to RF (4), Hold (5)
&6 7LF step to side (&), RF step to side (6), Hold (7)
&8LF step to center on ball (&), RF cross over LF (8)

A2 - Side rock, Behind, Side rock, Hitch, Behind, ¼ L, Forward
1 2LF rock to side (1), Replace on RF (2)
3 4LF step behind RF (3), RF rock to side (4),
5 6Replace on LF (5), RF hitch, slightly bend upper body forward (6)
Note: The 7th time of Part A, dance up to the RF hitch then go on to Part B
7 8RF step behind LF (7), Make ¼ turn L, LF step forward (8) @3:00

A3 - Forward, ½ L, Shuffle, Forward, ¼ R, Shuffle
1 2RF step forward (1), Make ½ turn L, transfer weight to LF (2) @9:00
3&4RF step forward (3), LF cross behind RF (&), RF step forward (4)
5 6LF step forward (5), Make ¼ R, transfer weight to R (6) @12:00
7&8LF step forward (7), RF cross behind LF (&), LF step forward (8)

A4 - Kick x 2, Cross behind, unwind ½ R
1 2RF kick forward (1), RF step to side (2)
3 4LF kick forward (3), LF step to side (4)
5 6RF cross behind LF (5), Hold (6)
7 8Unwind ½ turn R, keep weight on LF (7), Hold (8) @6:00

Part B
B1 - Side rock, Back rock, Shuffle, Check, Replace
1 2RF rock to side (1), Replace on LF (2)
3 4RF rock back (3), Replace on LF (4)
5&6RF step forward (5), Cross LF behind LF (&), RF step forward (6)
7 8LF step forward (7), Replace on RF (8)

B2 - Back, Close, Pelvic thrust, Swivel walking
&1 2LF step back (&), RF close to LF (1), Hold (2)
3 4Push hips and knees forward, raise heels up (3), Straighten knees, lower heels (4)
5RF step to R diagonal forward, swivel R heel out (5)
6LF step to L diagonal forward, swivel L heel out (6)
7RF step to R diagonal forward, swivel R heel out (7)
8LF step to L diagonal forward, swivel L heel out (8)

B3 - Ball, Cross, Tap, Hitch, Jazz Box
1&2Hold (1), RF close to LF on ball (&), LF cross over RF (2)
3 4RF tap to side (3), RF hitch (4)
5 6RF cross over LF (5), LF step back (6)
7 8RF step to back diagonal (7), LF cross over RF (8)

B4 - Chasse, ½ L, Chasse, Jazz Box
1&2RF step to side (1), LF close to RF (&), RF step to side (2)
3&4Make ½ turn L, LF step to side (3), RF close to LF (&), LF step to side (4) @6:00
5 6RF cross over LF (5), LF step back (6)
7 8RF step to back diagonal (7), LF cross over RF (8)

Last Update - 23 May 2021