Leave Before You Love Me

Hiroko Carlsson (AUS) - July 2021
Leave Before You Love Me - Marshmello & Jonas Brothers : (Spotify / iTunes)

(Intro: 16 counts)

[S1] Fwd Rock, Coaster Step, Heel Switches, Touch, Flick 1/4R
1 2Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
3&4Step back on R, Step L next to R, Step forward on R
5&6&Touch L heel forward, Step L in place, Touch R heel forward, Step R in place
7 8Touch L toe forward, Make a 1/4 turn right on R foot whilst flicking L toe back (3:00)

[S2] Shuffle Fwd, Side, Together, Shuffle Back, 1/4L, Together
1&2Shuffle forward on L-R-L
3 4Step R to the side, Step L together
5&6Shuffle back on R-L-R
7 8Make a 1/4 turn left stepping forward on L, Step R together (12:00)

[S3] Monterey 1/4L Turn, Box 1/4L Turn
1 2Point L to the side, Close L next to R making 1/4 turn left (9:00)
3 4Point R to the side, Close R to meet
5 6Cross L over R, Make a 1/4 turn left stepping back on R (6:00)
7 8Step L to the side, Step forward on R

[S4] Fwd Rock, Out, Out, Sailor Step, Sailor 1/4R Turn
1 2Rock forward on L, Recover weight on R
3 4Step L out to the side, Step R out to the side
5&6Step L behind R, Step R to the side, Step L to the side
7&8Make a 1/4 turn right sweeping R behind L, Step L beside R, Step R to the side (9:00)

[S5] Fwd Rock, 1/2L-1/2L, Shuffle Back, Back Rock
1 2Rock forward on L, Recover weight on R
3 4Make a 1/2 turn left stepping forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn left stepping back on R (9:00)
5&6Shuffle back on L-R-L
7 8Rock back on R, Recover weight on L

[S6] Fwd Rock, 1/2R-1/2R, Back Rock, Shuffle Fwd
1 2Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
3 4Make a 1/2 turn right stepping forward on R, Make a 1/2 turn right stepping back on L (9:00)
5 6Rock back on R, Recover weight on L
7&8Shuffle forward on R-L-R

[S7] Turning Shuffle 1/2R-1/4R, Weave R w/ Sweep
1&2Make a 1/2 turn right shuffle back on L-R-L (3:00)
3&4Make a 1/4 turn right side shuffle to the right on R-L-R (6:00)
5 6Cross L over R, Step R to the side
7 8Step L behind R, Sweeping R around L

[S8] Behind, 1/4L, Rocking Chair, Fwd, Fwd
1 2Step R behind L, Make a 1/4 turn left stepping forward on L (3:00)
3 4 5 6Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L, Rock back on R, Recover weight on L
7 8Step forward on R, Step forward on L

Ending: The last wall starts at 12:00. Dance up to count 30; make a 1/2R sailor step to the front.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (hirokoclinedancing@gmail.com)
(updated: 30/Jun/21)