I'm In Love Again

Thomas Haynes (USA) - August 2021
I'm In Love Again - Fats Domino

(Song has a very quick start, dance starts at the words 'yes it's me')

Heel Toe steps forward, Rock step
1-2-Step forward on right heel, step down on right foot
3-4-Step forward on left heel, step down on left foot
5-6-Step forward on right heel, step down on right foot
7-8-Rock forward onto left, recover on right

Toe Heel steps back, Rock step
1-2-Step back on left toes, step down on left
3-4-Step back on right toes, step down on right
5-6-Step back on left toes, step down on left
7-8-Rock back onto right, recover on left
(Restart here on wall 5)

Walk forward and Back
1-2-Step forward right, left
3-4-Step forward right, small kick forward on left
5-6-Step back left, right
7-8-Step back left, touch right next to left

Step, hold, 1/4 turn hold, hip rolls, hip bumps with knees
1-2-Step forward on right, hold
3-4-Turn 1/4 turn left step right, hold
5-6-Bringing right up to left roll hips right, left
7-8-Bump hips right, while bending left knee, Bump hips left, while bending right knee

start again....