Rocking Years

Low Intermediate waltz
Vincy Leung (CAN) - September 2021
Rockin' Years - Dolly Parton

Intro : 12 Counts

S1: Wing ¼ Turn To Left, Coaster Step ¼ To Left
1-3Cross LF over RF turn 30 degree face to 11:00, RF Step fwd. turn 30 degree face to 10:00- LF Step fwd. turn 30 degree face to 9:00
4-6RF Step back turn ¼ to left face to 6:00, LF Step next to RF, RF Step fwd.

S2: 3 Steps Full Turn To Left, Diagonal Forward, Kick, Step Back
1-3LF Step ¼ turn to L, RF Step ¼ turn to L, LF Step ½ turn to L
4-6RF Step diagonal forward (4:30), LF Kick forward, LF Step behind RF

S3: 3 Steps Turn 1&1/8 To Right, Diagonal Forward, Kick, Step Back
1-3RF Step 3/8 turn to R, LF Step ¼ turn to R, RF Step ½ turn to R
4-6LF Step diagonal forward (7:30), RF Kick forward, RF Step behind LF

S4: Forward 3/8 Turn To Left, Point, Hold, Back, Point, Hold
1-3LF Step fwd. 3/8 turn to L(3:00), RF Touch to R, Hold
4-6RF Step back, LF Touch to L, Hold

Repeat again! Enjoy the dance!

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