Si Me Quieres (if You Love Me)

Phrased Easy Intermediate Samba
Janet (Zhen Zhen) Ge (CN) - July 2022
Si Me Quieres (feat. Nicole Cherry) - Akcent

Sequence: AAB / AAB / AB

Intro: 32 count
Part A 32 count
[1-8] BotaFogos, 1/4 Turn R Samba Cross, 1/2 Turn L Samba Cross
1&2Cross right over left, rock left to side, recover on right
3&4Cross left over right, rock right to side, recover on left
5&61/4 Turn R crossing right over left, step left to side, cross right over left (3:00)
7&81/2 Turn L crossing left over right, step right to side, cross left over right (9:00)

[2-8] Rock, Travelling Voltas, Point, 3/8 Turn R Flick, Forward Shuffle
1&2&Rock right to side, recover on left, cross right over left, step left to side
3&4Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right over left
56Point left diagonal L (7:30), 1/2 turn R flicking left back (1:30)
7&8Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward

[3-8] 1/8 Turn R Vaudeville, Vaudeville, Half Diamond
1&2&1/8 Turn R crossing right over left (3:00), step left to side, touch right toe diagonal R, step right together
3&4&Cross left over right, step right to side, touch left toe diagonal L, step left together (3:00)
5&6&Cross right over left, step left to side, 1/8 turn R stepping right back, hitch your left (4:30)
7&8Step left back, 1/8 turn R stepping right to side, cross left over right (6:00)

[4-8] Samba Whisk(x2), Samba forward Basic, Samba Back Basic
12&Step right to side, step left behind right, step right in place
34&Step left to side, step right behind left, step left in place
56&Step right forward, step left next to right, step right in place
78&Step left back, step right next to left, step left in place

Part B 32 count
[1-8] Heel Touch X2, Side, Heel Touch Switch, 1/4 Turn Forward, 1/2 Turn Back, 1/4 Turn Botafogo
12&Touch right heel diagonal L twice, step right to side
3&4Touch left heel diagonal R, step left to side, touch right heel diagonal L
561/4 Turn R stepping right forward (3:00), 1/2 turn R stepping left back (9:00)
7&8Step right forward, 1/4 turn R rocking left to side, recover on right (12:00)

[2-8] Heel Touch X2, Side, Heel Touch Switch, 1/4 Turn Forward, 1/2 Turn Back, 1/4 Turn Botafogo
12&Touch left heel diagonal R twice, step left to side
3&4Touch right heel diagonal L, step right to side, touch left heel diagonal R
561/4 Turn L stepping left forward (9:00), 1/2 turn L stepping right back (3:00)
7&8Step left forward, 1/4 turn L stepping rocking right to side, recover on left (12:00)

[3-8] Heel Touch X2, Side, Heel Touch Switch, Circular Voltas Right Full Turn
12&Touch right heel diagonal L twice, step right to side
3&4Touch left heel diagonal R, step left to side, touch right heel diagonal L
5&6&1/4 Turn R stepping right forward, step left next to right (x2)(6:00))
7&81/4 Turn R stepping right forward, step left next to right, 1/4 turn R stepping right forward (12:00)

[4-8] Heel Touch X2, Side, Heel Touch Switch, Circular Voltas Left Full Turn
12&Touch left heel diagonal R twice, step left to side
3&4Touch right heel diagonal L, step right to side, touch left heel diagonal R
5&6&1/4 Turn L stepping left forward, step right next to left (x2)(6:00))
7&81/4 Turn L stepping left forward, step right next to left, 1/4 turn L stepping left forward (12:00)

Note: You can change the Heel Touch Step of Part B to Kick Step

Ending: last count turn L stepping left forward facing 12:00 and pose!

Have Fun!

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