Thunder Rolling

Laura Hannele Pitkänen (FIN) - June 2022
Thunder - Gabry Ponte, LUM!X & Prezioso : (Album: Thunder - Spotify)

Start after 32 count intro, approx. 15 sec into the track

[1-8]: Dorothy Steps R-L, Rock-Recover, Step Back & Drag, Switch
1 - 2 &,Step RF forward to right diagonal (1), lock LF behind RF (2), step slightly forward on RF (&),
3 - 4 &,Step LF forward to left diagonal (3), lock RF behind LF (4), step slightly forward on LF (&),
5 - 6,Rock RF forward (5), Recover weight to LF (6),
7 - 8,Step RF back and drag LF towards RF (7), Step LF next to RF (8),

[9-16]: Cross-Side, Sailor ¼ Turn, Step Fwd, ½ Turn, Shuffle ½ Turn
1 - 2,Cross RF over LF (1), Step LF to left side (2),
3 & 4,Cross RF behind LF (3), Step LF next to RF and turn ¼ right (&), step RF forward (4) [3:00],
5 - 6,Step LF forward (5), Turn ½ left stepping RF back (6) [9:00],
7 & 8,Turn ¼ left stepping LF to left (7), Step RF next to LF (&), Turn ¼ left stepping RF forward (8) [3:00],

[17-24]: Rock-Recover-Switch, Shuffle Fwd, Heel Jack
1 - 2 &,Rock RF forward (1), Recover weight onto LF (2), Step Rf next to LF (&),
3 & 4,Step LF forward (3), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF fwd (4),
5 - 6,Step RF to right side (5), Cross LF behind RF (6),
& 7,Step RF next to LF (&), Tap your L heel forward (7),
& 8,Step LF next to RF (&), Cross RF over LF (8),

[25-32]: Side, Behind, Shuffle ¼ Turn L, Pivot ½ Turn L, Step Fwd, ½ Turn R, ¼ Hinge Turn R
1 - 2,Step LF to left (1), Step RF behind LF (2),
3 & 4,Turn ¼ left stepping LF forward (3), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (4) [12:00],
5 - 6,Step RF forward (5), Turn ½ left stepping LF forward (6) [6:00],
7 - 8 &,Step RF forward (7), Turn ½ right stepping LF back (8), ¼ Hinge turn right (&) [3:00]
(Note that the ½ turn on count 8 and the hinge turn on count & are made as one fast and smooth turn)

Start again

TAG comes after wall 4 (at the end of an instrumental break), facing 12:00:
Step Side, Jazz Box R into Jazz Box L
1 - 2,Step RF to right (1), Cross LF over RF (2),
3 - 4,Step RF back (3), Step LF to left (4),
5 - 6,Cross RF over LF (5), Step LF back (6),
7 - 8,Step RF to right (7), Step LF slightly forward (8)

RESTART: on wall 5, after 16 counts, facing 3:00.

Throw your thumbs up in the air & have fun!