Tipping Point

Glenda Silver (AUS) - September 2022
Tipping Point - Drake Milligan : (Album: Dallas / Fort Worth)

INTRO: Vocals when sings “Tipping Point”

Step Diagonal Right, Together, Twist Right, Step Diagonal Left, Together, Twist Left
1234Step Diag R, tog L, twist heels R & centre (weight on R)
5678Step Diag L, tog R, twist heels L & centre (weight on L)

Back Diagonal Touches x 4 **
1234Step back R diag, touch L beside R, step back L diag, touch R beside L
5678Step back R diag, touch L beside R, step back L diag, touch R beside L

Step Forward Right, 1/2 Left Hitch, Step Forward Left, 1/4 Left Hitch, Vine Right
1234Step Fwd R, 1/2 turn L lifting L knee, step Fwd L,1/4 turn L lifting R knee
5678Step side R, behind L, step side R, tog L ( step L beside R, instead of a touch)

Bronco Twist Right, Bronco Twist Left, Forward Right, Back Left #
1234With weight on R heel, and ball of L, twist heels L, replace to centre, With weight on L heel, and ball of R, twist heels R, replace to centre
5678Step Fwd R, touch L beside R, step back L, touch R beside L (weight on L)

RESTART: ** Wall 7, Facing 6.00. Dance first 16 counts, Restart

FINISH: # Wall 10, Facing 12.00. dance to count 32, facing 3.00, Add next 8 counts

ADD: Vine R, Vine L 1/4 turn L on L, touch R beside L
Finish facing 12.00

GLENDA SILVER: Footlooselinedancers.net EMAIL: glendaksilver@gmail.com MOBILE: 0427927019